Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reducing and Translating Games

A game, in the abstract, is a set of game bits (like individual actors in the game world) and rules (what those actors can do and what the world does in response). The player uses an interface of some kind to interact with the game. This interface could be any collection of physical or virtual objects: a board and special pieces, cards, a ball, or a computer program and the graphical assets associated with it.

Consider tic-tac-toe. We recognize this game because it consists of a three-by-three grid that is filled with Xs and Os by different players in turn, one per grid slot, until Os or Xs are aligned three-in-a-row. But we can create other games that can be translated directly into tic-tac-toe. Here’s one: we take the numbers between one and nine (inclusive) and take turns picking numbers until one of us has a set of three numbers that sum to 15. The same mechanics underlie these two games—the only difference is the interface.

More complex games cannot be directly translated into other games as easily. They must be broken down into constituents that then are simple enough to be translated.

All this translation shows us that a game’s interface can be separated from its mechanics, but how do we actually describe the mechanics of games? Translating one set of abstractions into another, as we did with tic-tac-toe doesn’t seem to get us anywhere in this endeavor. Mathematics is, in fact, a language in which we can concisely and completely define game mechanics. Mechanics can be torn from the game’s interface and described as an abstract mathematical problem that the player is attempting to solve. I will spare you the exact mathematics here, but any game can be reduced to some composition of mathematical problems.

Math has had several more millennia of exposition than game design, so it can provide our young field with some useful language. Problems in mathematics (more than just “1+x=2”-style problems, but problems like sorting a list of numbers without knowing the exact contents of the list) have varying degrees of complexity. The complexity of a problem is basically its “difficulty” to solve, usually expressed in how the time required to solve the problem grows with respect to the “size” of the problem (the size is, for example, the number of numbers that are in the list we’re trying to sort). Non-trivial games can be reduced into math problems of a complexity class of higher than NP.

(Math nerds please excuse me. This isn’t going to be super-precise because I’m trying to make it understandable without taking 1,000 words.)

NP stands for “Non-deterministic Polynomial”, a polysyllabic train-wreck that alludes to how long it would take an “oracle” machine to guess the solution correctly. A problem of complexity higher than NP (I’m thinking particularly of NP-complete problems here) is intractable for a computer to solve—it would take a computer millions of years to solve even modest varieties of the problem. Computers can only verify that the solution is correct in a reasonable amount of time. Reasonable in the theory of computability is a polynomial relationship between problem size and time. It may take a computer 8 million years to solve a certain NP problem, but the computer would only take 8 seconds to check that a solution is correct.

Great games ask you to solve problems that are NP-complete or harder. It has actually been proven that tetris is an NP-complete problem. You’re doing some very heavy lifting when you play these games—your brain works hard to get as close as possible to solve the problem. The startling part is that this is fun!

Raph Koster talked about complexity theory and games in his AGDC presentation this year. I think it’s a profound truth about games that more game designers should understand and utilize.


Andrew said...

Neat post.

The really cool thing with NP-complete problems is that they can usually be solved non-deterministically using some artificial intelligence techniques, like genetic algorithms, in a relatively short amount of time.

If "real" intelligences (i.e. humans) find this sort of problem solving fun, I wonder if computers running their AI code are having a blast too? :P

evizaer said...

A Masters in Computer Science comes in handy sometimes. :)

Genetic algorithms and machine learning can approximate (not find exactly) the solutions to NP-complete problems in a reasonable amount of time.

Andrew said...

Quite often they can solve them flat out - but yes, I agree your more precise definition is proper.

GAs in particular can get stuck on local maximums (or minimums) and never actually arrive at the correct/optimal solution to the problem that they are designed to solve. Well-tuned mutation rates help mitigate this, but it can never be entirely avoided.

The only reason I miss school at all is my time in AI courses. So much fun!

evizaer said...

It's good to see someone else around here with an interest (and apparently some degree of knowledge) in AI. Unfortunately, this article will probably be lost on most people because the significance of being able to transform games into one another isn't apparent to laymen.

Andrew said...

It might interest you that at the time I quit WoW I was actively developing an application that mined the WoW Armory for items (given some query) and then used a GA to try to determine an optimal gear set for a class, taking into account gems and enchantments.

Although some people claim that min-maxing characters in WoW is as simple as stacking one or two key stats, I think it's a lot less straight-forward than that. There are a lot of subtleties to the process, and a lot of them aren't extremely obvious. this is further complicated by people's innate desire to get shiny new stuff which often leads to bad (human) gearing decisions.


My initial model was to be feral druid (my class), which had a few stat plateaus (hit rate, armor pen, and maybe something else) to be optimized around.

The end goal, however, was to be general enough in the implementation to allow the GA to optimize any class. The trick here was to develop a syntax that was useful in expressing fitness functions in terms of WoW stats.

A simple example (in plain english) would be: The best gear for a feral druid will maximize attack power and crit chance, however the hit rate must be sufficient to be capped. Further more, armor penetration is a value stat, but after X armor penetration all extra is meaningless.

My interest in coding this evaporated when I quit WoW, and so it's sitting in an unfinished state.

motstandet said...
